Writing Groups

Non-fiction Writing - last Thursday of the month, 4pm-5.30pm

Non-fiction is literature that, regardless of the subject matter, has a simple goal: to provide information. It should be based on facts and conclusions of the author's research or expertise, as opposed to the creativity of the author's imagination. Characters, settings, and events must conform to what is true. 

Port Writers - last Thursday of the month, 5.30pm-7.30pm

This group is for either the new enthusiast or someone who has been enjoying the pleasure of writing for some time. Each month, a prompt is selected for a story, poem or piece of prose. Participants are tasked to write using the agreed prompt. The group meets on the last Thursday of each month and all participants share their work by reading it to the group. At the end of the session, a mutually agreed prompt is declared for the following month. 

 Main Street Writers - 2nd Sunday of the month, 10am-12pm

Writers are provided with a variety of tasks every month to exercise and improve their writing skill and ability. Each writer reads their work to the group for constructive critique, with a view to share and learn from each other.